Weghorn Lab

Evolutionary Processes Modeling

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The Weghorn Lab is located at the Centre for Genomic Regulation (CRG) in Barcelona, Spain. Our research focuses on analyzing evolving systems, particularly cancer tumors and the human population. We analyze sequencing and other biological datasets and develop mathematical and computational approaches to estimate selection. An important aspect of this effort is to investigate mutational processes and the heterogeneity of the mutation rate.

We are part of the Joint Program on Evolutionary Medical Genomics.

Also check out our Twitter account: @WeghornLab

Recent lab news

June 2024 Check out our fun collaboration with the Toledo Lab on the impact of systemic hypoxia on tumor evolution.
May 2024 In this collaboration with the Lehner Lab, we explored multi-state epistasis.
May 2024 In our collaboration with the great people from the Berg Group, we found tumors are characterized by volume growth.
April 2024 Check out our collaboration with the Janic Lab on the role of RNF144B for tumor evolution.
December 2023 Our SigNet preprint has posted, in which we provide a method for mutational signature decomposition based on deep learning.
April 2023 Our collaboration with the Serrano lab is live.
March 2023 Roger joins the lab, welcome!
January 2023 We welcome Théotime and Raúl to the lab.